Abstract: In the present investigation, an experimental analysis was conducted to evaluate the influence of the stacking arrangement and orientation on the tribological properties of epoxy hybrid composites reinforced with carbon, glass, and jute fibers. Additionally, a comparative analysis was performed with non-hybrid base composite materials to ascertain the potential impact of the above-mentioned variables. The hand lay-up technique was used to create the composite samples, which were cured for 72 hours at room temperature under mild pressure. All specimens were created with a total of 18 layers of plies using the matrix material LY556 epoxy resin and hardener HY951. A dry sliding wear test was performed utilizing an ASTM G99 Pin on Disc wear tester with the two operating parameters of a load of 20 and 150 N, a sliding velocity of 2 and 8 m/s, and a sliding distance of 1000 and 500 m. The non-hybrid composite sample J18 with 18 layers of jute fibre exhibited the most wear loss, whereas the hybrid samples with jute in the centre and carbon and glass fibre on the outside face showed the least wear loss. Two samples, S5 and J18, both with jute fibre in the top layer, failed the wear test owing to shear failure. Since the jute fibre's adhesion to the matrix is low, placing it in the middle of the composite can improve the hybrid material's tribological characteristics. The outcome shows that changing the stacking sequence has a greater impact on tribological properties than fibre orientation.
Keywords: Tribological Properties; Pin on Disc; Stacking Sequencing; Fiber Orientation; Carbon Fiber; Glass Fiber; Jute Fiber.