Abstract: The over-dependence on fossil fuels as primary energy source has led to myriads of problems such as global climatic change, environmental degradation and various health problems. Moreover, the recent rise in prices of oil and natural gas alongside its demand has necessitated the continuous search for alternative energy sources. Cow dung as a renewable source of energy supply has been proven to be very efficient. This study investigated and evaluates the effect of TalinumTriangulare (water leaf) on the biogas from cow dung. Two suitable digesters were constructed for its anaerobic digestion, fermentation and the production of the biogas. The experiment was conducted within a period of thirty five days in plastic bio-digesters of 20 litres each. The first digester labelled digester1 was for the production of biogas using only cow dung as substrate and the second digester labelled digester 2 for the production of biogas for the co-digestion of water leaf and cow dung. The PH values of the substrates were taken before and after digestion for both digesters. The result of the experiment showed that water leaf has catalytic effect on the anaerobic digestion of cow dung in the production of biogas.

Keywords: Biomass, Water leaf, Energy, Biogas, Cow dunk, Proximate, Digester

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9501

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