Abstract: In order to compete in today’s global world the creativity and innovations have become inevitable aspects of everyone’s life. This paper investigated how science teachers need to move beyond the rhetoric to effective practices for teaching and fostering creativity. This study aimed to find out the effect of Heuristic Method in promoting creativity and achievement in science among senior secondary school students. It was an experimental study. Sample of the study consisted of 80 students (40 in experimental group and 40 in controlled group) of standard XI from one senior secondary school of Ranchi District, Jharkhand. Experimental group was taught through Heuristic Method whereas the controlled group through traditional method. Rating Scale on Creativity and Achievement test in Science (developed and standardized by the researcher) were used as tools for data collection. Mean, S.D, Bar graphs and ‘t’ test were applied to analyse the data and to draw inferences. The study revealed that Heuristic Method was more effective in promoting creativity and enhancing the Achievement in Science (Chemistry) among senior secondary school students compared to that of traditional Method of teaching Science (Chemistry). Based on the findings of the study the paper also gave some suggestions.
Keywords: Heuristic Method, Traditional Method, Creativity, Achievement in Science (Chemistry)