Abstract: The primary aim of the research is to find out the effects of physical fitness related exercise programme on work efficiencies of collegiate students with Respect to Resting Herat Rate and Respiratory Rate . The data was collected through 40 collegiate students in the form of different tests. The demographic information about, age, height, weight etc. was obtained before seeking training. This study involves a cross sectional, comparative pre and post-test of experimental research, so this study was conducted in an experimental design. Resting heart rate and Respiratory Rate of each subject was recorded before & after training. Physical Exercise programme was design by the investigator and the reliability and validity find out by the researcher on the basis of pilot study. The Physical Exercise programme was planned for 4 days a week 60 minutes in a day for 12 weeks including 10 minutes warm up period and 05 minutes cooling down. the findings of the study revealed that there was insignificant difference of RHR was found between .The findings of the study revealed that there was significant Physical Fitness Exercise Programme  on  RHR  was found between pre and posttest of experimental   group. The findings of the study revealed that there was insignificant difference of Respiratory Rate was found between pre and post of Control group. The findings of the study revealed that there were significant effects of Physical Fitness related Exercise of Respiratory Rate was found between pre and post of experimental group.

Keywords: RHR, RR, Exercise, Fitness

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11671

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