Abstract– Demolished waste contributes a major portion of total solid waste production in the world and most of it is used in landfills. Demolished waste generation issues have been in main focus to achieve sustainable goals. In India we can link growth of country with growth of demolished waste. If measures to minimize and handle the demolished waste are not developed and efficiently adopted, it may threat the environment as well as sustainable moment of Indian construction industry.
This thesis gives a brief description of the researched carried out for demolished waste management all over the world. Along with this, discussions on different aspects of the problem beginning with a brief review of the international scenario in terms of demolished waste generated, recycled aggregate produced from demolished waste and their utilization in concrete and governmental initiatives towards recycling demolished waste. Followed by a brief overview of the engineering properties of recycled aggregates, the thesis also gives a summary of the effect of use of recycled aggregate on the properties of concrete. The paper concludes by identifying future scope of development of construction industry in India and benefits to the society by adopting the practice production of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC).
Key words- Demolished Waste, Recycled Aggregates Concrete, Engineering Properties of RAC, Development of Construction industry