Abstract: The Employee Task Tracking System is web-based technology that enables administrators to register new employees in the design after fulfilling the required authentication procedures. This capability is only available to administrators who have access the structure. Administrators have the ability to use the system to not only create new divisions but also delegate duties to other members of the team. The database needs to contain every piece of information pertaining to staff members, such as their names, addresses, and Social Security numbers. Users of this web application have an easier time managing, documenting, and keeping track of their records as a result of the capabilities that the design provides. With an use of a system known as Employee Task Tracking, businesses are given the ability to control and exercise command over every aspect of their operations. The software design can used to keep information about employees employed by a company, and those employees can be assigned particular duties based upon information that saved in the structure. It is necessary to the proper operation of the design to have an administrator who is capable of entering information on employees, departments, and the responsibilities of their jobs.

Keywords: Employee, task tracking, logistic regression, methodologies.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10778

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