Abstract: The empowering multipurpose agricultural equipment is made for performing various types of operations like Ploughing, Seeding Sowing, Spraying and levelling. The modification includes fabricating a vehicle which is small and compact in size. The research is about a vehicle design which makes cultivation much simpler. The ploughing tool is designed and modified. Farming is backbone of Indian economy 70% of people live in rural area. In rural area agriculture is one of the major source of earning money. In agriculture sector there are lot of tasks such as seed sowing, cultivation, levelling, spraying for doing this operation farmers required hand tools but doing operation by hand tool is very time consuming and quality of work is not good therefore results of this type work is poor productivity and less quality of work so this type of problem face by farmers. The most of the farmers are low level income so they can't invest on the purchase of large machine so our team is decided to research on this type problem and design empowering agriculture with multi utility equipment. The main aim of this equipment is design and build a multipurpose equipment for performing multiple major operation like ploughing, cultivation, spraying, levelling. The modification of this project is not only small but also cost is less compared to other equipment. This machine makes all operations in less work and much simple. Agriculture equipment is small smart machine that can do right things in right way. This research paper reviews multiple operations can be done on a single equipment.
Keywords: Empowering agriculture, Agriculture equipment, Seed sowing, Cultivation, levelling, Fertilizer Sprayer, Research etc.
S.J. Mulani, Ruchika lad, Namira Attar, Kalyani Kaware, Romesha Jadhav,"EMPOWERING AGRICULTURE WITH MULTI -UTILITY EQUIPMENT", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 4, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11409.