Abstract: Energy is considered as a crucial input parameter for day to day work and for economic development of a country. Per capita energy consumption is one of the key deciding factors of the level of well-being of any society for a country like India.. Energy is central to sustainable development and poverty reduction efforts. It affects all aspects of development - social, economic, and environmental - including livelihoods, access to water, agricultural productivity, health, population levels, education and gender-related issues. In Andaman and Nicobar Islands where 90 percent of the power is generated from diesel which costs Rs 12-14 per kWh unit, renewable are likely to be far more competitive, wind and small hydro will in fact be far cheaper than diesel-based power, we need to figure out if the island indeed has good potential for wind, solar, biomass and hydro, but then it is worth figuring this out soon. 250 kiloliters of diesel per day implies about Rs 450 crores of money down the drain every year, so allocating a few tens of crores to assess the potential of renewable and taking the first steps would make certain definite economic sense.. The Kalpong Project marks a major shift in the source of power generation at least in North and Middle Andaman. The renewable sources of energy will provide power at a cost many times cheaper in comparison to the present rates. In comparison to the our mainland the consumption of electric energy is more in magnitudes like in domestic consumption in Andaman it is 47.33% whereas in our main land it is only 22%,In commercial, here it is 26.32% where as there it is 8%. In the case of Agriculture sector in A&N islands it is only 0.45%where as there it is about 1.8%, at the last in Indsutry here it is, the power consumption is only of 5.47% whereas in mainland it about 15.78% , which makes a huge difference with the mainland in the year 2012. The cause may be over-consumption, aging infrastructure, choke point disruption or bottlenecks at oil refineries and port facilities that restrict fuel supply.
Keywords: Renewable sources of energy, kwh, Solar power, Ammonia Vapour, Temperature, OTEC, Per capita Consumption, etc