Abstract: This paper exposes the contamination problem of the interior bay of Lake Titicaca in the city of Puno. The objectives of the research were: (1) Determine the average willingness to pay (DAP) on the part of the citizens of Puno for an improvement in the quality of the water of the contaminated bay, Propose a solution to the problem, establishing how this willingness could be captured to pay and what percentage this is of the average monthly sewerage payment. Data from a survey with a referendum-type format was used and the contingent valuation method was applied to determine the willingness to pay (DAP) for a change in water quality through the expansion and improvement of the current wastewater treatment plant. (construction of new lagoons). An average DAP of S/. 8.20/family/month, this is higher than the average monthly payment for sewerage for domestic use, which is S/. 7.91/month and therefore the DAP is greater than 100% of the average monthly payment for sewerage, for which it is convenient to capture this DAP in a payment vehicle expressed in an increase in the water rate.
Keywords: willingness to pay, contamination, Bahía interior, Puno, contingent valuation.