Abstract: The diaraland are situated between the natural levies are subjected in undated for different periods, periodically eroded and formed by meandering, braiding and course changing of river. There is time gap scarcity for the land preparation and sowing of wheat because of very less time available between post Flood and sowing wheat under rainfed condition. Therefore, it is essential to conserve the residual moisture for better plant growth and yield. Keeping in view the above facts, eight different treatments comprising tillage and mulch were studied over years under saryu diara rainfed eco-System. Studies reveal that the maximum grain yield 6.134 q/ha and maximum moisture use efficiency (MUE) of 4.146 kg/ha-mm were obtained in the treatment land preparation by rotavating twice with power tiller each followed by planking and sowing behind country plough + application of dry grass mulches e 4q/ha, 21 days after sowing. This technique may increase the sustained wheat production in diaraland under soil moisture stress and drought condition.
Diaralands are defined as land situated between the natural levies of major river systems which get periodically eroded and formed due to meandering, braiding and coarse changing of the river. Characteristically diaralands are prove to floods during the mousoon and moisture stress during pre and post flood periods, as irrigation facility does not exist or neglegible in this areas. The winter and summer seasons crops are raised on residual moisture and very often moisture stress reduces crop yield because there is no assured irrigation (hardly 3-10% area is irrigated). Keeping in view the above facts, the present study was conducted to evaluate suitable soil moisture conservation techniques for obtaining higher yields.