Abstract: Calotropis gigantea has been used in the management of toothache, fresh skin burns, gum bleeding as well as others to make it qualify as a medicinal plant. This study was designed to assess its wound-healing property on rats and its potentials for anti keloidal activity. Fresh latex of Calotropis were obtained and evaluated phytochemically. 18 male Wistar rats were used and one excisional wounds were created on each rats. The rats were divided into three groups of six each. Group 1 was the Normal control and received no treatment, Group 2 was the standard and Group 3 was the test. The Latex of Calotropis gigantean (400 mg/kg/day) was evaluated for its wound healing activity in albino rats using excision wound models. Latex treated animals’ exhibit reduction in wound area when compared to controls. The extract treated wounds are found to epithelize faster as compared to controls. The povidone iodine ointment 5 % w/w was used as standard.
Keywords: Calotropis gigantea, Wound healing, Excision wound, Povidone iodine ointment.