Abstract: The definition of the project is to use the vehicle heat which goes waste in environment. The motivation behind selecting this topic for the project was that there is the many accidents happen in around country while making meal inside the vehicle. So we wanted to develop a system which would run without any extra fuel which will give the output while making food. The heat which is required to make the food, the desired temperature can be achieved. The oven placement can be decided according to the design of the vehicle cab, size, and requirement. Making food while using this project it will be easier to make the food and save the money and fuel which. This project utilizes the heat which came from the exhaust of the vehicle which goes waste in the environment the aim of the project is to utilize the heat in some benefit and some essential way when heat is produced from the engine we just collect all the heat into one place by some adjusting walls and after relating that all the heat to a place we use our utensil over there then you cancel will be heated and after that it will be transported to a place where the food will be prepared. When there will be engine on idol such amount of the heat will be produced by exhaust manifold that is enough to prepare the any kind of food when we keep that in any utensils over there all the hit are collected in a place in a such a way that hit doesn't go waste in the environment.

Keywords: Exhaust, Heat, Environment, Utilization, Manifold.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.95104

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