Abstract: Climatic variability in the last decade especially erratic rainfall pattern and extreme rises in temperatures led to a drastic reduction in the kharif onion crop yieldi.e., 30 to 40% in Nashik (M.S.). Increases in temperature, rainfall and relative humidity also affected the post-storage quality causing considerable losses in storage (up to 40%). Reduced production creates deficit in the domestic market supply resulting in steep price hike. Onion farming being a major source of income for the farmers of Nashik, reduction in yield increases their vulnerability. Keeping in view the constraints faced by the farmers, the study was undertaken to assess the vulnerability of kharif onion crop to changing climatic conditions in the last ten years. Asurvey of 300 farmers was undertaken from two talukas of Nashikthrough questionnaire and focused group discussions for the vulnerability assessment.84% farmers revealed germination failure between 40% to 70% due to excessive rainfall and from 40 % to 70% due to drought. 40% crop damage due to pests and diseases was reported by 57% farmers. An increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides was done by 83% of farmers and only 15% applied organic manures andbio fertilizers for improving crop performance. A reduction in bulb storage quality up to 60%, and more than 40% losses in yield were observed. 40% to 60% economic losses along with reduction in market price up to 80% were reported by 85% of the farmers. Implementation of climate resilient technologies like raised –bed, drip irrigation, organic and bio-fertilizers along with their mass demonstration are recommended.
Keywords: Climatic variability, vulnerability assessment, onion, survey