Abstract: This study digs into the complex environment of financial inclusion in India, attempting to understand the current situation and foresee future issues. The study's aims include an in-depth discussion of the idea of financial inclusion, an analysis of the current level of financial inclusiveness in India, an exploration of the potential for its development, and the creation of suggestions to move financial inclusion forward.

The study begins by analyzing the core concept of financial inclusion, emphasizing its importance to all persons in a fast changing economic environment. A critical examination of the current situation takes place, examining the efficiency of government measures like the Jan Dhan Yojana in boosting savings accounts, particularly in rural areas. The study examines digital literacy, awareness, and last-mile delivery.

The study looks ahead, anticipating obstacles that could stand in the way of development. It emphasizes how important it is to work together to improve last-mile delivery, raise awareness, and address digital literacy, particularly in rural areas. The study acknowledges the critical role that technology plays in promoting financial inclusion and suggests strategies to get over obstacles, with a focus on data integration, privacy issues, and the delivery of customized services. The study concludes by highlighting the progress that has been done over the last six years, recognizing the beneficial effects of government programs, and stressing the need for future efforts. The study imagines a time when everyone has access to financial services, even in the face of current obstacles. It is the goal of the research to assist stakeholders, financial institutions, and governments in promoting

Key Words: Fintech Services, Banking Services, Insurance, digital Payments, and Financial Inclusion

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11645

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