Abstract: Fins are useful way to increase heat transfer with minimal increase in volume. There is evidence suggesting that even dinosaurs used fins for heat transfer. Fins transfer heat either through free or forced convection. As the extended surface technology continues to grow, new design ideas emerge, including fins made of anisotropic composites, porous media and perforated and interrupted plates. The requirements of lightweight fins and economical, so the optimization of fin size is very important in fins design. Therefore, fins must be designed to achieve maximum heat removal with minimum material expenditure, taking into account, however, the ease of manufacturing of the fin shape. Large number of studies has been conducted on optimizing fin shapes. Other studies have introduced shape modifications by cutting some material from fins to make cavities, holes, slots, grooves and channels through the fin body to increase the heat transfer area and the heat transfer coefficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of lateral perforation shapes on the thermal performance of fins in comparison with the regular solid fins. Finding the best perforation shape among different types of perforations on fins. Lower inter-fin spacing ratio and comparatively lower Reynolds numbers are suggested for higher thermal performance. The major role maintained by Nusselt number and friction factor for enhancement of heat transfer through perforatedfins.
Keywords: Heat Transfer, Perforated Fins, Nusselt Number, Friction Factor