Abstract: Earth’s surface data are analysed for various domains of policy, designing and management goals. Over the last 3 centuries, rapid growth in population and economic boom have initiated fast changes on land cover and there’s impact will accelerate in the future. These fast changes are superposed on long-term dynamics associated with climate variability. The present study aims to map and monitor the existing Land Use/ Land Cover (LU/LC) classification scientifically using geospatial tools in database generation, analyses and information extraction. There are totally different views within the classification method, and therefore the method itself tends to be subjective, even once an objective numerical approach is employed. Land use Land cover of Level-I, Level-II and Level-III LU/LC classifications are delineated through NRSC standards (2011) using both Digital Image Processing (DIP) and Visual Image Interpretation Techniques (VIIT) with limited Ground Truth Check (GTC). The results portray the geospatial capability in best and sustainable land cover designing of natural resources and its management.
Keywords: Geospatial technology; IRS-1D, LISS-III Image; LU/LC Classification; Piriyapatna taluk.