Abstract: The rate of depletion and degradation of ground water poses a threat to the future generation’s support system. The increase in population is resulting in over exploitation of water resources. Many sporadic degrading activities are being lead to the gradual deterioration in quality of surface and ground water. The loss of quality in the water resources is causing a major health hazards and even leads to death of human, livestock. The Geo Spatial variations of subsurface water quality in Chickballapur District, Karnataka, India, have been studied by utilising the new technology. Geographical Information System (GIS), a tool which is used for storing, analyzing and displaying spatial data is also used for analysing ground water quality information. For this study, the water samples representing the entire study area were collected from 65 bore wells and corresponding Latitude and Longitude of the sampling points using GPS Instrument. The water samples were analyzed for thirteen physico-chemical parameters such as Alkalinity, Hardness, Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Sulphate, Iron, Sodium, Potassim, pH, Electrical Conductivity, TDS and Nitrate using standard procedure in the laboratory and the results were compared with standards. The geospatial distributions of ground water quality map of the study area have been prepared using spatial analyst tools in GIS. The spatial database established in GIS and results obtained in this study will be helpful for monitoring and managing ground water pollution in the study area.
Keywords: Ground water, GIS, Quality, Distribution