Abstract: Even after the advent of voice assistants, virtual assistants and other new technologies, many still struggle to use them effectively and practically. Our project is mainly applicable to old people, physically challenged, and bedridden people. Our project application areas are hospitals and old age homes. During emergency situations where the user is not able to access his/her mobile phone, our prototype can handle such situations effectively by detecting the user’s hand gestures and sending alerts to caretakers and hospitals. Our model also has a medical alert system. According to the prior initialization of the time for the medicines to be taken, this prototype alerts the user at that exact time. The alarm message appears on the OLED and by an audible signal. This glove is equipped with an integrated temperature sensor, Flex sensors and pulse sensors that give continuous readings of the user's health parameters and are displayed on the OLED placed in the glove. The main feature of the glove is to communicate the needs of the user, which can be accomplished by a flex sensor.

Keywords: Hand gestures, Emergency Alert System, Medicine Alerts, Temperature, Heartbeat.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91222

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