Abstract: This paper presents a study on a GPS-based vehicle location monitoring system with geo-fencing capabilities. The system provides high-security message against their ward’s vehicle movement and issues alerts to users based on location boundaries using Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The system can easily monitor and track a ward’s vehicle's location and issue alerts when the vehicle exits the geo-fenced area. The system has two main components: hardware and software. The hardware includes an Arduino nano, NodeMCU and GPS module. The software uses Google Maps and an IoT platform. The parent can monitor the vehicle via mobile phone. Registered phone number alerts are sent to the parent when the vehicle exits or enters the geo-fenced area. The prototype system was tested by moving the vehicle around the geo-fenced area. Results showed correct location tracking of the vehicle and phone number notifications upon exiting or entering boundaries.
Keywords: GPS location monitoring, geo- fencing, internet of things, vehicle tracking