Abstract: Systematic field investigations were made on weekly basis by following various standard methods such as an all out search method, variable width line transect method and visual count methods to record the aquatic bird species during morning and evening hours of the day at Kukkarahalli, Dalvoy and Hebbal Lakes of urban area of Mysore during May to August, 2023. Total 28 aquatic bird species which belong to 13 families of five orders such as Anseriformes, Charadriiformes, Coracciformes, Gruiformes and Pelecaniformes and their per cent occurrence varied considerably. Gruiformes members predominated more (78.6%) compared to other orders. Moreover, among the families, aquatic birds belong to Ardeidae family were more (28.5%) compared to other families. Interestingly, birds belong to different families, their population size, density and frequency of occurrence during morning and evening hours at different Lakes indicated considerable statistical difference. Further, analysis of variance of aquatic bird species distribution at Lakes between the weeks indicated the significant difference during morning (F=77.750; P>0.05) and evening (F=19.071; P>0.05) hours. Thus, aquatic bird species distribution was uneven among the Lakes. Furthermore, the diversity indices of aquatic bird species during morning and evening hours at these Lakes showed considerable variation of dominance (‘D’), Shannon (‘H’), Simpson (‘1-D’), Evenness (‘H/S’), Menhinick, Margalef, Equitability (‘J’), Fisher-alpha and Berger-Parker indices. Surprisingly, few bird species which are in the international union for nature and natural resources (IUCN) list were enlisted during the present investigation as least concerned (75%), near threatened (14.2%) and critically endangered (7.3%) amidst these Lakes. Since, Mysore is fast growing urban area; more human interferences prevailed at these Lakes. Realizing the importance of aquatic bird species presence and their role in maintaining the local biodiversity, it is imperative to create awareness among the people who are visiting these Lakes for various purposes and protect these Lakes in an undisturbed manner. On this line in depth investigations are necessitated further. This kind of studies should be undertaken more and more during different seasons to create inventory and prepare suitable measures to protect the resident and migratory birds at their preferred habitats midst urban areas.
Key words: Habitat specificity, Aquatic bird species, Lakes, Urban Area, Mysore
Works Cited:
Likhith, S. and S. Basavarajappa " HABITAT SPECIFICITY OF AQUATIC BIRDS DURING MORNING AND EVENING HOURS MIDST LAKES OF URBAN AREA OF MYSORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA ", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 10, pp. 13-27, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101002