Abstract: Healthy eating seems to be a key component of overall mental, physical, and social wellbeing. Diurnal diets provide the body with the vitamins and energy it needs for a healthy metabolism. But when it comes to wholesome eating habits, urban and rural people have extremely different food preferences. In our study, we collected survey data on various human diets, food plan kinds, nutritional intake, nutritional demand, and fitness level with regard to food intake behaviour, as well as many records evaluation methods. A records evaluation technique was applied to build our record after investigating data from numerous authorities and stay surveys. Unusual drinking habits and persistent illness rates are lower than inside a city and better than within a village.Our analysis's major goal was to identify the key differences between a healthy diet and a powerful immune system. These discoveries help people live longer, healthier lives.
Keywords: Blood parameter, Flask, KNN,Navie, manage, database