Abstract: In the current conditions as we all know that death rate by road accidents are increased more and to control that government has made wearing helmet is necessary for two wheelers for this rule who are not up with this they are recognized and punished , not in every situation traffic police can handle this because of some issues and from irresponsibility it may fail. Currently traffic police man are facing problem and risky to handle all the consequence. Hence this condition has given a break through. People who are not wearing helmet they are easily detected and captured in camera automatically by the computer organization and hence it recognize the vehicle and then it will notice and saves the number plate image and hence the saved data is sent to the certain officers to get details and also for the further actions. It is mainly built with advance technologies with varies consequences that may deals with. YOLOv3 is used to provide best visualizing effects for the image. Non-helmet riders are recognized
Keywords: Helmet detection, Number plate recognize, Deep Learning, Traffic rules