Abstract: The Internet of Things (IoT) has generated excitement for a few years now, with start-ups and established businesses placing bets on the industry’s growth. Along with the business solutions, IoT has been very vital in connecting things to the internet. There by achieving a communication among the connected devices. The Internet of things (IoT) is getting more traction in recent years. One of the usage scenarios of IoT is smart home. Smart home basically provides home automation for installed devices at home such as thermostat, lighting, air conditioning, etc and allows devices connected to the Internet to be monitored and controlled remotely by user. They still lack of important usage of IoT i.e. providing monitoring, dealing with security, and managing privacy. This paper proposes a smart home system with microcontroller as the backend that not only serves as home automation and merely a switch replacement, but to also record and report important things to the owner of the house e.g. when someone trespasses the house (security perimeter), cctv monitoring, etc, AC Loads can be controlled via Electromagnetic relays. The communication between user and the system is done using Telegram Bot.
Keywords: Telegram Bot,Real-Time Control, Home Appliances, Cloud Integration, Device Monitoring
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11914