Abstract: Emotional intelligence is a combination of self awareness, self regulation, self motivation and possession of social skills. In the globalised era of education and employment, the role of emotional intelligence is gaining the significance day-by-day. The situation is becoming compelling to inhibit the essential qualities for an educationist and employee to adapt for personal growth and achievement. Gone are the days where the rote learning and routine performance in profession and in learning and implementation is a reason for recognition and reward. In the technology dominated society, working with machines and getting imbibed with the digital environment is inevitable. It is essential to design self for minimizing the gap between the knowledge and the performance in the job. Enhanced productivity with psychological stability of an individual is the need of the hour for developing the skills that demand the situation. Job skills along with emotional well being are one of the significant factors of success of an employee and the organizational sustainability. Reading other people’s cognition, intelligence and reacting according to it is one of the crucial factors in attaining success in personal and professional life. This paper mainly focuses on psychological factors of emotional intelligence and its impact on job performance in the current scenario.

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, Profession, Organizational sustainability, Psychological factors, Digital environment

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9561

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