Abstract: A huge number of traditional watermills mainly in the Western Himalayan region of India (approximately 500,000), have the capacity to harness a total of 2500 MW/hour or 40 million units with the aggregate earning of Rs 1200 million per hour. But this potential is almost completely unexplored in the region. The adoption of the Archimedes Screw Turbine in the European countries at an extensive level. It is time for this region in India to efficiently utilize its water resources to generate electricity for sustaining the growing population of the region as well as the country as a whole. As electricity plays an important role in our lives it is very important to see new feasibilities to generate electricity.
The benefits of using the Archimedes screw turbine have been highlighted by various researchers including and it is evident that at low head and low flow rate conditions, these turbines work most efficiently. Though, it will be of great importance if all the parameters of the Archimedes Screw Turbine and their effect on efficiency are determined. Here in this research efforts have been made to identify various internal and external parameters of the screw turbine that can affect the efficiency. The best configuration of parameters and screw configuration are to be proposed for the implementation at traditional mills for electricity generation.
Keywords: Archimedes Screw Turbine, Small Hydro Power, Hybrid power generation
Akshay D. Bhui, Nikita M. Kamble, Navanath B. Waghmode and Prof. S. D. Mahadar,"Hybrid Hydro Power Generation with Archimedes Screw Turbine: A Study", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11206.