Abstract: Nowadays, educational Institutions are paying increasing attention to the views of Student’s on the involvement in learning and teaching through reviews or feedbacks. "ICT Based College Feedback System" is a web application which provides an easy way for the colleges to conduct student's, their parents, etc Feedback online. The goal of the study was to develop an all in one feedback system serving college feedback.
The system comprises analysis of college and a delivery of feedback. The system is developed for the all college students, Students parents, staff members, etc to give a feedback about college through emoji's. The users has to choose from excellent (😍) very good( ) good(😊)satisfactory(😌), poor(😓). Then after attempting feedback emoji for the college then user has to submit his feedback with the system. This online college feedback system is the perfect place to find feedback evaluated according to the
Keywords: Ict Based,Feedback ,System, Project Educational,,Login,,Database