Abstract: In the field of microbiology, there is no direct method to find out the microorganism and their species of bacteria. Microscopic sample analysis is a common manual technique employed for bacterial detection and identification. These tests will be less time-consuming and is subjected to more accuracy. Hence it requires highly trained personnel for testing. In order to overcome the existing manual problems, machine algorithms are used. The main aim of this project is to use image-processing techniques to identify the bacteria from images. Image processing is a technique to perform some manipulations or operations in an image, in order to get an improved image or to extract some useful information from it. At present, image processing is a rapidly growing technology. Using machine learning algorithms bacteria is identified with less time and more accuracy.

Keywords: Bacteria, Microorganism, Image Processing, Identification.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2020.7902

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