Abstract: In this experimental study that is made to examine the impact of nanoparticles blended with biodiesel to improve engine and emission characteristics of compression ignition engine. Biofuels are fast advancing as alternative sources of renewable energy due to their non-polluting features and cost-competitiveness in comparison to fossil fuels. However, in order to fast-track their development, focus is shifting towards the use of technologies that will maximize their yields. Nanoparticles are gaining increasing interest amongst researchers due to their exquisite properties, which enable them to be applied in diverse fields such as agriculture, electronics, pharmaceuticals and food industry. They are also being explored in biofuels in order to improve the performance of these bioprocesses. The B20 with 25, 50, 75, and 100 ppm dosage of CuO2 and Al2O3 nanoparticles were examined at various engine loads and constant engine speed. The experimental outcomes show that the use of biodiesel blend along with CuO2 and Al2O3 nano particles in diesel-fueled engine revealed better combustion, good improvement in performance characteristic and also decreased in exhaust emissions. The experimental outcomes show that the use of biodiesel blend along with CuO2 and Al203 nano particles in diesel-fueled engine revealed better combustion, good improvement in performance characteristic and also decreased in exhaust emissions.
Keywords: term, term, term