Abstract: The North-East region receives heavy rainfall than other parts of India. It is one of the highest rainfall regions in India. Analysis of rainfall, temperature and flow pattern of the river across this region would be of great importance to water resources planners. The present work deals with the impacts of climate change in the rainfall pattern and changes in trend of temperature in the Kamrup District of Assam. Historical trends in rainfall, discharge and temperature is analysed for the past several years. Changes in rainfall pattern is presented showing changing trend in annual rainfall from 1901-2017.No significant trend of rainfall is observed but post 2000, the trend follows a declining trend of rainfall pattern. Similar analysis of temperature variation over the period 1901-2002 depicts almost a similar pattern between the year 1901 and 1997 and a rise in temperature in the beginning of 2000’s. Trend of peak discharge in Brahmaputra river shows a declining pattern over the study period whereas the annual flow of the river shows a positive trend. The main aim of this study is to observe the flow pattern of Brahmaputra river gauged at Pandu station in Guwahati and to observe the rainfall pattern and the trend of temperature due to climate variation in the Kamrup District. The result is hoped can support the project design of water resources structures.
Keywords: Climate change, temperature, Rainfall pattern, discharge, Brahmaputra River