Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine the effects of health- related physical fitness programmes (HRPFP) that on the Academic Stressors among students. Twenty five male students studying in different Departments of the Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded, Maharashtra (India) had attended the study voluntarily. Exclusion criteria were the presence of chronic medical conditions such as asthma, heart disease or any other condition that would put the subjects at risk when performing the experimental tests. The subjects were free of smoking, alcohol and caffeine consumption, antioxidant supplementation and drugs during the programmes. Stress was taken in the laboratory of physical education department for academic year 2012-13 of the study. Academic stress of students measured by using Gadzella’s Life Stress Inventory (B. M. Gadzella, 1991). The applied program was planned for six weeks, 5 days a week and 45 minutes a day, as the statistical techniques, Mean scores and standard deviation were taking and paired t-test was applied. There was significant effects of health- related physical fitness programmes on academic stressors (t=p