Abstract: MNREGA is playing pivotal role in the Rural development. It has changed the income and expenditure status of rural poor. It is casting significant impact on the Economic condition of the rural people and changing their socio-economic status. MNREGA is a demand driven employment programme for manual unskilled workers. It involves a paradigm shift from all other programmes launched in the past, since it provides a guarantee of employment for at least 100 days in a year. In the block of Lauriya, the impact of this programme is positive as far as prevailing wage rates are concerned. The wage rates for farm and non-farm labourers went up and the incomes of the poor households have increased. The expenditure pattern indicates that such households are now spending on a variety of items and that the socio-economic status of the unskilled labourers has improved to a great extent.
Keywords: Socio-economic indicators, MANREGA, income and expenditure.