Abstract: Transport has a very vital role in any country’s economic development and growth. Without transportation we cannot even think about the transfer of goods from one place to another. Hence transportation is the backbone of any country's economy.
This study is about the toll charges and increasing number of toll plazas day by day in India which is badly impacting the transportation industry which leads to the damage to the backbone of India’s economy. Due to high toll charges and number of toll plazas the transport cost has increased up to a great extent where transporters are finding very difficult to run and survive. So many toll plazas are still available and collecting tolls even after there cost have been recovered.
This study is done with the help of primary and secondary data collected from various specialized sources to draw the attention of the government to pay attention on transport industry, transport owners, drivers, and others who are directly indirectly employed. The study concludes that tolls are essential for any country’s revenue which leads to economic development and growth but at same time it cannot overlook the problems created on transport industry and the employed people.
Keywords: Introduction, Aims, Literature of Review, Research Method, Data Analysis, Results, Conclusion, References.