Abstract: The paper traces the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in Managers from Automobile Manufacturing Industries and provides the review of literature of the same. Emotional intelligence is very crucial in personal and professional success. It helps in better planning, decision making and executing work harmoniously. Managers being the core of any organisation are involved with other employees in every level of execution. It is important to study the importance of emotional intelligence and to develop training modules to create appropriate intervention programs to enhance their emotional intelligence for managerial development (Sadri, 2012). This can indeed help to build the image of an industry, employee success, bring in effective work environment and help escalate business to meet global competition (Jorfi et al., 2010). There is a huge need to study emotional intelligence among the managerial segment in automotive industries in India and focus on intervention programs in Emotional intelligence for managerial development and not only focus on technical training and development.
Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Literature Review, Managers and Automobile Manufacturing Industries