Abstract: RNA viruses use small genomes that contain information in both their core sequences and higher-order structures to hijack cellular metabolism and encourage their own replication. By identifying particular sequences that are conserved throughout a collection of related viruses, the majority of functional structures that have been discovered to date. We effectively find numerous hitherto un annotated motifs crucial for viral fitness by flipping the traditional technique, which defines RNA structures first before checking for conservation of these motifs. In addition to identifying possible motifs helpful in the development of antivirals medicines and vaccines, this work demonstrates the ability of RNA structure as a tool for discovering functional elements in viruses. It also paves the way for additional functional element identification in big viral messenger as well as non-coding RNAs. A virus known as dengue virus 1 (DEN-1) was isolated by Walter Schlesinger and Albert B. Sabin. The four closely related viruses that cause dengue diseases are DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3, and DEN-4. They are known as serotypes because the antibodies in human blood serum react differently with each of these four viruses. The four dengue viruses are related and share roughly 65% of their genomes despite the fact that there is a great deal of genetic heterogeneity within a single serotype. Despite these variations, all dengue serotype infections result in the same illness and a set of same clinical symptoms. In this research, we looked for a specific or conservative RNA pattern that could be used to neutralize the DENGUE virus, by targeting RNA in future.
Key Words: Dengue, RNA, Serotype, RNA-motif, Dengue-protein