Abstract: With advancement in technology and production of nanosized particles, access and more importantly cost of nanoparticles have come down. This gives an exciting opportunity to tackle the strict regulations for emissons being in place which poses an urgent need to reduce emissons of not only new vehicles but of existing vehicles with as little external modification of the engine as required. Not a lot of extensive work has been conducted in terms of emissons, combustion and performance characteristics of fuels mixed with metallic nanosized powders. Zinc oxide is one such exciting nanoparticle because of its properties such as improvement of heat transfer rate, flash point, fire point, ability to store energy in it crevices and mass diffusivity, when dispersed in any fluid medium. And also it increases catalytic properties and provided higher surface to volume ratio. In the present work the Biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil (WCO) has been employed as fuel along with 80 ppm ZnO and is considered for investigation. A Kirloskar made TV2 diesel engine has been employed to conduct the experiment at varied load. In this experiment Diesel has been considered as baseline reading and two other fuels, that is Biodiesel and Biodiesel+80ppm of ZnO has been considered for comparison purpose. The engine has been run from 0% to 100% load using the 3 fuels and the results have been evaluated, tabulated and plotted on graphs for discussion. From the results it is revealed that the BTE is increased by nearly 4% and BSFC has reduced by 9% thus showing that the performance of the engine is improved .The emissions of CO, NOx and PM has reduced and especially CO has reduced by nearly 30%.There is also improvement of combustion with the HRR increasing by nearly 11% and introduction of ignition delay. Thus by employing this additive the emissons are decreased without penalizing the performance and combustion characteristics
Keywords: Emissions, Waste Cooking Oil, Biodiesel, Performance, Zinc Oxide, Combustion, NOx, Nanoparticle
10.17148/ IARJSET.2019.61106