Abstract: This study was conducted at Capiz State University, Roxas City-Main Campus (September, 2022 – May 2023). It aimed to develop a Speed Cushions Electric Generator. Specifically, it aimed to develop a speed cushion that will generate electricity when stepped by a vehicle. The first objective was to determine the output voltage of the device in relation to the RPM. According to the data gathered, the mean RPM and Generated Voltage for table 2 are 830 and 2.56V. The result implies that, as the RPM of the rotor increases, the generated voltage also increases. The second objective is the calculation of the transformer’s efficiency and was based on table 3. The RPM and voltage for input are 668 and 0.75V in trial 1, while the mean RPM and voltage for output are 667 and 9.62V in trial 2. These are the given data used solve for the transformer’s efficiency, since the RPM of input and output is close. The mean RPM and Generated Voltage for table 2 are 830 and 2.56V. The result implies that, as the RPM of the rotor increases, the generated voltage also increases. The third objective to determine the output DC voltage from the rectifier. The mean RPM and voltage for DC are 750.33 and 27.46V. In a star or wye connection, the line voltages are added if connected to a circuit. Therefore, the line voltages in the rectification stage are added that leads to high DC voltage generated. These results imply that the voltages generated can be used for lighting and charging of batteries.
Keywords: Road cushions, Slowdown ramp, energy harvesting, generator