Abstract: Everyone wants good health, which can be promoted and maintained by encouraging healthy habits. Sometimes, people depend on medicines for staying fit. Medicines are effective but also cause some side effects. In order to get rid of pain and fever dependence on Paracetamol is observed. Worldwide, Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) or PCM can be defined as a single of the most widely used pain-relieving and antipyretic drugs. Nevertheless, it can’t be denied that the consumption of Paracetamol directly or indirectly affects everyone depending upon body structure, gender, and age. The study reveals that regular use of Paracetamol causes toxicity and may gradually impact health and causes long-term side effects like fatigue, persistent anemia, and also threat to vital organs like the liver and kidneys. Plants are the beacon of hope during the pandemic time too because medicinal plants possess specific bioactive compounds, alkaloids that can be used for medications without any side effects and can overtake the production of artificial drugs. In this study, the use of the traditional herbs such as tulsi, turmeric, ginger, and neem leaf as an effective alternative medicine to Paracetamol among people in the rural field practice area of Dehradun, India was investigated. One-hundred sixteen participants involved in this study. The results show that 72.4% participants believed that paracetamol causes side effects and natural herbs alternative to paracetamol. The natural herbs are very effective. They possess several medical effects such as anti-oxidant, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
Keywords: Paracetamol; Toxicity; Natural herbs