Abstract: The major problem world is facing is environmental pollution. Mainly in the construction industry, the production of Portland cement causes the emission of pollution that causes a serious threat to the environment. The pollution effects on the environment can be reduced by increasing the usage of industrial by-product materials in our construction industry. Currently, Geopolymer is a new developing material in the world of concrete, in which cement is totally replaced by fly ash and activated by the alkaline solution to act as a binder in the concrete mix. The study was mainly carried out on strength analysis of geopolymer concrete with different activator ratios. For selecting suitable ingredients of geopolymer concrete to achieved desire strength at required workability, an experiment experimental has been carried out on gradation of geopolymer concrete and as per Indian standard code, a mix design is a procedure to proposed on the basis of quantity and fineness of fly ash, the quantity of water or alkaline liquid, W/C ratio or SF ratio, grade of fine aggregate, fine to total aggregate ratio, super plasticizer. The laboratory-grade Sodium silicate solution with Na2O=14.28%, SiO2=36.38% and water = 49.43%. The concentration of (NaOH) solution was maintained at 5 Molarity. The main objectives of the present research work on first to prepare geopolymer concrete by using waste industrial material fly ash in replace of cement and Compare with conventional concrete and its cost and Second to identify appropriate dosage of SS/SH for better performance of geopolymer concrete. The experimental investigation was carried out on M30 grade concrete. In this study, the SF ratio is 0.30,0.35,0.40 and the dosage of activator ratio is 0.5,1.0 and 2.0 is a combination of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide ratio by weight of fly ash is considered for studying. The geopolymer concrete is cast at normal temperature, thus this method is used for mixed the concrete by hand mixing and the temperature of oven heat curing was maintained at 80°c for 24 hours after keep in normal room temperature duration (20 to 23°c), and tested 7,14,21,28 days after heating. The test was carried out on fresh concrete and hardened concrete. For fresh concrete, workability and density are tested and for hardened concrete compressive strength test on CTM. The optimum test results of geopolymer concrete after 28 days compressive strength is 42.81 MPa, workability 71 mm, Dry density 2530.74 Kg/m3, Wet density 2620.72kg/m3.
Keywords: Geopolymer Concrete, Fly Ash, Activator Ratio, SF Ratio.