Abstract: Metal Matrix Composites (MMC’s) consist of either pure metal or an alloy as the matrix material, while the reinforcement generally a ceramic material. Now a day these materials are widely used in space shuttle, commercial airlines, electronic substrates, bicycles, automobiles, etc., Among the MMC’s aluminium composites are predominant in use due to their low weight and high strength. The key features of MMC’s are specific strength and stiffness, excellent wear resistance, high electrical and thermal conductivity. Hence, it is proposed to form a new class of composite. Al 3102 alloy reinforced with E-glass and SiC particulates to form MMC using stir casting. The MMC is obtained for different composition of E-glass and SiC particulates (varying E-glass with constant SiC and varying SiC with constant E-glass percentage).
Keywords: Aluminium 3102, E-Glass fibre, SiC Particulate, Stir casting.
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2018.51208