Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to design a “IoT based Health Monitoring System” that involves integrating various sensors and devices to gather and analysis health data of an individual. This project is an open source IoT platform that provides an easy-to-use interface to collect, analyze and visualize data from IoT devices. It can monitor our heart rate, oxygen rate and temperature in a systematic manner. In this world Health is very important topic for every human being and to monitor it is also a major thing to be done. There are many devices that has been already developed for monitoring health but this device is very much convenient as well as efficient. Looking into all this situation we have made a device that can monitor our health wirelessly. This device basically consists of Arduino UNO, LCD Display, MAX30100 pulse oximeter and HC-05 Bluetooth Module along with the different resister of different values. In future by adding more sensors this device can be more useful and it can have many new functions.
Keywords: Arduino UNO, LCD Display, MAX30100, HC-05 Bluetooth.