Abstract: This paper is concerning a home security system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for providing smart security features as well as automated controls to a house to convert it into a “Smart Home”. It uses the inexpensive but powerful microcontroller ESP-01 with Wi-Fi capabilities to control the entire house with the help of a mobile phone having internet access and another microcontroller Atmega328P to control the sensors and actuators in the house. A Thingspeak global web server is used for the storage of data. The hardware uses an infrared sensor along with a Reed switch to detect presence at the front door and monitor the status of the door. Infrared sensors are placed on the inside doors to keep a count of people in a particular room. The model house consists of motorized doors and windows which can be controlled via mobile or automatically from theAtmega328P. The house also consists of relays for switching appliances and a buzzer for alerting the user in a variety of situations. Additionally, there are DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor, MQ2 gas sensor and an LDR to monitor various environmental parameters of the rooms. These sensors give live feeds of temperature, humidity and brightness and alert the user in case of gas leakage. There is a smart monitoring system which switches appliances in any room depending on the number of people present in that room as well as the specific brightness of the room.
Keywords: Internet of Things, Thingspeak, Home Security, MIT App Inventor, Atmega328P, ESP01