Abstract: In this era of modernization, we've all been exposed to several things that cause the event of the country. Usually, for an individual it becomes difficult to find enough time in the day to accomplish all the tasks that are part of life, so multitasking becomes necessary. Thus, smart devices are used which makes life simpler and easier. Internet of Things offers limitless opportunities to reinforce communication between devices and data sharing but this same feature makes it highly vulnerable from the purpose of view of security. The term Internet of Things (IoT) is said with the connection of physical devices through Internet. The 'thing' in IoT might be anything that has the power to gather and transfer the info over a network with none human's assistance. The devices are embedded with technology so that they can be controlled and monitored remotely. Our project aims at including IOT technology in a mirror, because in general people spend a considerable amount of time in front of a mirror. Smart mirror is a wall mounted mirror which displays weather, time, calendar, latest news headlines, events and other basic information related to our needs. IoT is a larger part of home automation which controls almost all the devices used for domestic purpose remotely through internet.

Keywords: Smart mirror, IOT, security, raspberry pi

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9588

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