Abstract: 3D printing is one of the prominent technological advancement which is making huge difference in the additive manufacturing industry .Since 3D printing is the only way where an object can be developed as a 3 dimensional object with help of CAD modelling. Although the 3D printers can be operated manually it has many disadvantages.3D printers can be handled efficiently with remote monitoring capabilities which reduces the man power and overcomes disadvantages such as system breakdown in the middle of printing process, to keep an eye whether the equipments used are working properly etc. On the other hand, there are many technological improvements happening to help and assist the visually impaired and blind people. But they cannot see things as we can see. The only way in which we can help them visualize the things around us is using the 3D object/model and touch. Thus it is possible to convert the 3D printer into remote monitoring device and also provide assistance to blind is with the help of Internet of things. Using the ESP8266 NodeMCU and sensors such as TTP223, DHT11,Ultrasonic sensor, relays the various parameters such as temperature, 3 direction movement of the object, starting or stopping the object printing are controlled. Using this IoT enabled FDM 3D printer the 3D objects and the models are printed with the help of CAD modelling and embedded with the touch sensor. Whenever the blind people touch the object, they can visualize how it actually is at the same time receive an audio description about that object which makes them independent. This work is major consideration in the field of historical education and tourism places.

Keywords: 3D printer, iot, audio labelling ,ESP8266 , Blynk.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10585

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