Abstract: Specific group of land categorization on a satellite image is a fundamental task to determine the spatial knowledge and its importance. Several image classification techniques are produced to create standardized Land use and Land cover (LULC) maps that facilitate analysis on ecological processes and human activities. Mapping land use/land cover changes at regional scales is essential for a wide range of applications including landslide, erosion, land planning, global warming etc. LULC alterations by human intrusions negatively affect the patterns of climate, the patterns of natural hazard and socio-economic dynamics in global and local scale. The present study aims to map the existing LU/LC classification scientifically using geospatial tools in database generation, analyses and information extraction. Thematic maps of the study area are prepared using satellite images in conjunction with collateral data such as Survey of India (SoI) toposheets, forest and wasteland maps by GIS software’s. An attempt is created to extract Level-I, Level-II and Level-III LU/LC classification through NRSC guidelines (2011) using both Digital Image Processing (DIP) and Visual Image Interpretation Techniques (VIIT) with limited Ground Truth Check (GTC). The present study helps in understanding various land use and land cover patterns for efficient environmental monitoring and effective water management.
Keywords: LU/LC Classification; Geospatial technology; IRS-1D, LISS-III Image; Nanjangud taluk.