Abstract: Crime analysis is a methodical approach for identifying and analyzing patterns and trends in crime. With the increasing origin of computerized systems, crime data analysts can help the Law enforcement officers to speed up the process of solving crimes. Using the concept of data mining, we can analysis previously unknown, useful information from an unstructured data. Predictive policing means, using analytical and predictive techniques, to identify criminal and it has been found to be pretty much effective in doing the same. Because of the increased crime rate over the years, we will have to handle a huge amount of crime data stored in warehouses which would be very difficult to be analyzed manually, and also now a day's, criminals are becoming technologically advance, so there is need to use advance technologies in order to keep police ahead Our system can predict regions which have high probability for crime occurrence and can visualize crime prone areas. With the increasing advent of computerized systems, crime data analysts can help the Law enforcement officers to speed up the process of solving crimes. of them. In this paper, the main focus is on the review of algorithms and techniques used for identify the criminals.
Keywords: Crime analysis, Crime prediction, Classification, Regression.