Abstract: COVID-19 is a widespread viral disease that has caused enormous loss of the populations around the world. The virus specially targets the respiratory organs like lungs. The spreading of virus starts with the droplets of the infected person’s sneeze, cough or breath which can be present in the air or any surface. If this surface comes in contact with either nose, eyes or ears through hands will give the virus a passage to the mucus membrane and down to the throat. After contact in 2 to 14 days the person may show few symptoms like itchy throat, cough, increase body temperature(fever), breathlessness etc. So as precautionary measure protecting our nose with face masks is essential, with sanitizing hands and monitoring the body temperature from time to time. Hence usage of automatic sanitising dispensers at the entrance of the organization can prevent the spread of viral disease.
Keywords: Hybrid monitoring system, STT, Contactless, All in one