Abstract:As we all know, accidents are becoming more common by the day. As a result, the government has enacted a slew of rules and regulations to prevent these mishaps. Accidents are described as an unforeseen incident or a mistake that occurs and results in harm or, in extreme cases, death. When compared to other vehicles, two-wheelers have more accidents. Wearing helmets and not driving while intoxicated are two ways to avoid this. This review examines different relevant strategies as well as smart helmets for accident avoidance. This study also aids in our understanding of IoT technology, which is gaining popularity these days. According to the literature review, the method proposed using a micro controller, an RF transmitter, and other sensors is cost effective, but the system proposed using a Raspberry Pi module, a Pi camera, a pressure sensor, and a GPS system that uses image processing algorithms is the most efficient because image processing is included, allowing us to easily detect whether the rider is wearing a helmet. Two-wheeler riders benefit from a smart helmet system that helps to ensure their safety and security. techniques.
Keywords: Accidents, smart helmet, IOT, and Regulation.