Abstract: This paper presents a GPS-based location monitoring system with geo-fencing capabilities designed to prevent vehicle theft and provide real-time tracking. The system integrates hardware components, including an ESP32 NodeMCU, a GPS module, speed sensor, tilt sensor and a Wifi receiver, with software components, namely an IoT cloud platform and integration. The GPS module tracks the vehicle's location and transmits the coordinates to the IoT platform through the NodeMCU. The system administrator can monitor the speed of the vehicle, and monitors the damage of the vehicle, any drastick changes in the weight of the load, and monitors vehicle's location and set up geo-fencing boundaries. When the vehicle enters or exits the geo-fenced area, the system triggers an email notification alert to the administrator. The prototype was tested by moving a vehicle around a geo-fenced area, and the prototype system was tested by moving the vehicle around the geo-fenced area. Results showed correct location tracking of the vehicle and phone number notifications upon exiting or entering boundaries.
Keywords: GPS tracking, vehicle security, geo-fencing, IoT platform, real-time monitoring, ESP8266 NodeMCU, Wifi