Abstract: Population explosion leads to an unprecedented increase in the number of physical objects or vehicles on road. As a result, the number of road accidents increases due to a very heavy traffic flow. In this project, rash driving and traffic violation is monitored by using computer vision and RFID technology and MEMS sensor, where images or sequence of images provides a better road view the proposed system captures video stream of vehicles in the monitored area to compute the information and transfer the compressed video stream for providing video based solution that is mainly implemented using Open CV and Python Programming and to avoid the breaking the signal we will be detecting the Vehicle number plate by using the RFID tag situated on vehicle And then resulting data is used to compare with the records on a database and data extracted from RFID Tag. And in database there can be specific information like vehicle’s owner name, place of registration, or address, etc. If the ID and the number are matched with the database then it show the message “authorized person” else “unauthorized person”. Both should be match with the database and rash driving with the help of MEMS sensor .The proposed method is considered as an economical solution for industries in which cost-effective solutions are developed for traffic management.

Keywords: Sensor, Traffic Management, Image Processing, Rash Driving, RFID Technology.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9345

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