Abstract: A lot of intervention measures have been put in place to curb the challenges faced by peasants practicing subsistence farming. However, most households still experience food unsustainability. Subsistence farmers of East Alego location Siaya County where the study was conducted practice livestock keeping all the year round. Even though the area is endowed with natural conditions favorable for livestock keeping, but most households experience food unsustainability. The main objective of the study was to evaluate the influence of livestock farming on food sustainability. Descriptive research design was used together with research instruments such as observations, interview schedules and administration of questionnaires. The study adopted stratified sampling technique and simple random sampling design with a sample size of 327 households out of 2381 targeted farm households in the study area. Data from the field was analyzed using measures of central tendencies such as mean, mode and median. Frequencies and percentages were also used to present data using tables, bar graphs, line graphs and photographs. Tests such as Spearman`s rank order was used in analyzing data from the field. A spearman’s rank correlation value (r) = 0.9 was closer to 1 and signified a strong/high positive correlation on the benefits of livestock production to farmers. Nearly 81% of the respondents suggested keeping of mixed animals for their produce and use of dung/farmyard manure as farm input to improve soil fertility so that crop production could be improved for food sustainability. Additionally, respondents (53%) suggested diversification of income in order to reduce the vulnerability of the households during food shortage periods. There was need for mitigation measures so that subsistence farmers of East Alego location could be able to integrate livestock and crop husbandry practices for food sustainability.
Keywords: Subsistence Farming, Food Sustainability, Diversification, Intensification, Livestock Keeping.